
Cherbluple Cake

Cherbluple Cake

In which I make my own take on the Turducken of desserts...

So for those of you that aren't aware a Turducken is a duck-inside-a-chicken-inside-a-turkey. Otherwise known as meatception! Following along this line of crazy ridiculous food Charles Phoenix invented the Cherpumple cake which is three different pies (cherry, pumpkin and apple) baked inside three different cakes (yellow, white, spiced). I decided to make my take on this crazy dessert as my final CAOS cake before stepping down as Social Sec. I didn't have access to pumpkin so I decided to make a Cherbluple - cherry, blueberry and apple pies baked into a chocolate sponge, a plain sponge and a spiced sponge.

Pumpkin Pie

This week I bought many pumpkins and made pumpkin pie :DDue to the cheapness of ASDA pumpkins (2 for £2) this week I bought 12 pumpkins (mostly for carving!).



  • 1lb prepared pumpkin flesh

  • 3 oz brown sugar

  • 1 large eggs plus one yolk

  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon

  • ½ level teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

  • ½ tsp ground allspice

  • ½ tsp ground cloves

  • ½ tsp ground ginger

  • 10 fl oz double cream

  • sweet short crust pastry case*

*Yes I had to cheat this week and get ready-made


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C

  2. To make the filling, steam the pumpkin then place in a coarse sieve and press lightly to extract any excess water.

  3. Whisk the eggs and extra yolk together in a large bowl.

  4. Place the sugar, spices and the cream in a pan.

  5. Bring to simmering point

  6. Give it a whisk to mix everything together.

  7. Pour it over the eggs and whisk it again briefly.

  8. Now add the pumpkin pureé.

  9. Whisk to combine everything thoroughly.

  10. Pour the filling into your pastry case and bake for 35-40 minutes.

  11. Leave to cool

The Finished Article

Sadly this week I made my icing way too runny but here's a picture I took last time I got this right :)
