board games

Dominant Colour Extraction in Python (for a Discord Bot)

Dominant Colour Extraction in Python (for a Discord Bot)

In which I discuss getting the dominant colour from an image quickly...

I have recently made a Discord bot that searches for online versions of board games to help people find games to play remotely. This link will add it to your server.

Discord embeds have a colour bar down the side that can be manually set. I thought it would be cool to have this display the 'average' (i.e. dominant) colour of the board game box and decided to investigate the best way to do it.

Arcadia Quest and Reaper's Bones II Unboxing

Arcadia Quest and Reaper's Bones II Unboxing

In which I unbox some  shiny models...

I'm getting back into painting in a big way. What better way that with two Kickstarter's worth of goodies!

Arcadia Quest

I'm painting the minis from Arcadia Quest for a friend. Just look at all the shiny chibi goodness!

Pictures after the jump!